Tuesday, 28 June 2016

A Giver

You used to be different, they say. 
You used to smile, they say. 
You used to love, you used to care
You used to shine, you used to glare. 
Time heals everything, I knew, 
Time changes everything, I knew
But I will lose myself, this I never knew. 

I loved, I cared, I shone, I glared, 
Every ounce of my happiness I shared. 
But tables turned and so did my role, 
I wasn't a giver anymore. 
It was time for someone else to lift me up, 
It was time to not let me give up. 

So I looked up for someone to come and hold me, 
But everything was blurred... 
I was expecting someone, so thought it's my tears
Little I knew, this is the world. 

Everyone here is a receiver, 
Ready to take all, 
You are your own guardian, 
Whether it's spring or fall. 
So I decided to stand, and be like the world, 
Never to be a giver again coz it's no good role.

But how can I ignore the falling tears,
How can I ignore all those dears.
I was taught to be good and kind and helpful,
Not to be cruel and cunning and playful.
So what, if I was treated ill
That's no reason to be mean even a li'l.
Coz out there are a lot of me,
Waiting to be lifted up,
And I can help them and be a giver once again,
So their world gets lit up.

I aspire to be a giver. A giver of love, a giver of good vibes, and a giver of strength. :) 

Monday, 27 June 2016

Understand, Communicate, and Make Life Beautiful. ^_^

The biggest reason why people fall apart is because they don't discuss.
It's good to think that 'I am' right; problem comes when we start to think that *only* I am right.

We can handle many situations in the right way if we try to put ourselves in other person's shoe. Perception towards a situation can be different for two people and it is possible that both of them are right.

Every person is different and has a different personality and thought process. We don't talk to or treat all the people in our life the same way.
When we are friends with someone, we know how that person is and know how to deal with that friend and this can vary for other friends. It's our choice, our decision, that which people or which friends we want in our life. If you want someone to be in your life, you should fight for it, no matter what. And if you feel like not making much efforts, that simply means that that person was never that important to you, so move on. But if something or someone matters to you,DO NOT GIVE UP!

Stop talking to someone is not the solution every time. Most of the times it is necessary to sit and discuss with the person. Communication is an important pillar in any relationship.

We should always express our feelings, our views, our love, our anger, to the closed ones. When we keep things to ourselves only, it starts to build up inside and one day gets burst out…causing much more damage. If you are angry with a friend, tell them! Life is too short for grudges!

If someone is important to you, do express your feelings for them time to time; appreciation and expression of love is something that can make anyone's day! and you'll realise that whenever you make a person smile, happiness flows inside you too. :)

So take out some time and tell your closed ones that you love them, they are important to you, and you need them in your life! :)
These small small things does matter...Make Life Beautiful :)